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Publication Index by Author - K
*An asterisk on the Title indicates that it is only part of a publication with multiple authors.
Kauffman, A. H. -- Fanaticism Explained -- hdm0989
Keen, Mary J. -- Memorial Papers -- hdm0108
Keen, Samuel Ashton -- Faith Papers -- hdm0109
Keen, Samuel Ashton -- Pentecostal Papers -- hdm0110
Keen, Samuel Ashton -- Pentecostal Sanctification -- hdm0111
Keen, Samuel Ashton -- Praise Papers -- hdm0112
Keen, Samuel Ashton -- Salvation Papers -- hdm0113
Kelley, Edward R. -- The Land Of Canaan -- hdm2209
Kelley, Edward R. -- The Tabernacle: A Type Of Christ -- hdm2548
Kelley, Selden Dee -- Our Christ And His Noblest Defense* -- hdm0197
Kennedy, George W. -- Oregon Trail Pioneers -- hdm3302
Kerr, J. McDonald -- Sermon Gen. Hol. Assembly May 3-13, 1901* -- hdm0372
Ketcheson, W. G. -- Gems Of Truth -- hdm0499
Ketcheson, W. G. -- The Pilgrim's Guide -- hdm2391
King, Dexter S. -- The Blessing Of Perfect Love-- hdm0290
King, Lucille -- Articles By Mrs. Paul King -- hdm1812
King, Lucille -- Children's Page Stories (1959-1967
-- hdm1764 -- hdm1771
King, Lucille -- Children's Page Stories (1968 - 1990
) -- hdm1813 -- hdm1835
King, Lucille -- Youth Stories (1972- 2001)
-- hdm1898 -3273
King, Oscar Logan -- The Price Of A Coconut -- hdm1501
King, Walter, Lee -- Autobiography Of W. L. King -- hdm2218
Kingsley, Florence Morse -- Titus: The Forgiven Thief -- hdm1563
Kinne, Clarence J. -- Prayer, The Secret Of Power -- hdm3298
Knapp, Martin Wells -- Christ Crowned Within -- hdm1867
Knapp, Martin Wells -- Holiness Triumphant -- hdm1897
Knapp, Martin Wells -- Impressions -- hdm0115
Knapp, Martin Wells -- Lightning Bolts From Pentecostal Skies -- hdm0413
Knapp, Martin Wells -- Out Of Egypt Into Canaan -- hdm0362
Knapp, Martin Wells -- Pentecostal Letters -- hdm1848
Knapp, Martin Wells -- Rescued! Or, The River Of Death -- hdm1595
Knapp, Martin Wells -- Revival Kindlings -- hdm0412
Knapp, Martin Wells -- Revival Tornadoes -- hdm0414
Knapp, Martin Wells -- The Double Cure -- hdm0114
Knight, John Allan --In His Likeness -- hdm2667
Knight, John A. -- The Holiness Pilgrimage -- hdm2598
Knight, John E. -- The Imitation Of Christ (In Daily Readings) -- hdm0964
Knox, Sidney C. -- The Call Of New Guinea -- hdm3405
Kring, James Arthur -- The Conquest Of Canaan -- hdm2467
Kulp, George Brubaker -- A Voice From Eternity -- hdm0510
Kulp, George Brubaker -- Battlefields Of The Church -- hdm0771
Kulp, George Brubaker -- Divine Health -- hdm2272
Kulp, George Brubaker -- Nuggets Of Gold -- hdm0524
Kulp, George Brubaker -- Christian Stewardship -- hdm2208
Kulp, George Brubaker -- The Callused Knees -- hdm0513
Kulp, George Brubaker -- The Departed Lord -- hdm0511
Kulp, George Brubaker -- The Making Of A Preacher -- hdm0789
Kulp, George Brubaker -- Truths That Transfigure -- hdm0512

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