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Publication Index by Title - H
*An asterisk on the Title indicates that it is only part of a publication with multiple authors.

H. Orton Wiley -- Price, Ross E. -- hdm2642
H. Robb French Biography -- McPherson, Anna T. -- hdm0137
Half-Hours With St. John's Epistles -- Steele, Daniel -- hdm1865
Half-Hours With St. Paul -- Steele, Daniel -- hdm1891
Hallelujah! I Have Found Him -- Hanley, Irene -- hdm0600
Hallelujah Jack -- Linn, Clement H. "Jack" -- hdm3437
Hampered By Conservatism -- Maxey, Duane V. -- hdm3306
Hannah's Revival -- Smith, William M. -- hdm2562
Happy Day -- McConnell, Charles Allen -- hdm3425
Happy Days Weren't Here Again -- Maxey, Duane V. -- hdm3605
Have Ye Received The Holy Ghost? -- Blackstock, W. S. -- hdm3328
Hazardous Days In China -- Pattee, John W. -- hdm3296
Hazarded Lives -- Goodnow, Edith P. -- hdm0092
HDM Highlights, Vol. 1 -- Maxey, Duane V. -- hdm0476
He Built Tadmor In The Wilderness -- Maxey, Irl V. -- hdm2510
He Careth For You -- Bustin, G. T. -- hdm0652
He Faileth Not -- Hoke, Edna Wells -- hdm2463
He That Winneth Souls -- Bowes, Alpin P. -- hdm3427
He Walks With Me in Overalls -- Boone, William Lester -- hdm1558
Headlights -- Davis, Henry Turner -- hdm3466
Healing Attitudes and Relationships -- Dorsey, John F. -- hdm1018
Healing The Hurt Of Man -- Gould, Joseph Glenn -- hdm2256
Heart Melodies -- Maxey, Irl V -- hdm2504
Heart Purity -- Fergerson, Edward A. -- hdm1561
Heart Purity -- Pickett, Leander Lycurgus -- hdm3434
Heart Searching Truth -- Finch, Ralph G. -- hdm0479
Heart Talks -- Carradine, Beverly -- hdm0041
Heart Talks -- Shelhamer, E. E. -- hdm0355
Heart Talks From Beulah Land -- Dunkum, W. B. -- hdm0929
Heart Talks On Holiness -- Brengle, S. L. -- hdm0253
Heaven -- Heslop, W. G. -- hdm1542
Heaven, 101 Facts About It -- Wimberly, C. F. -- hdm2569
Heaven A Place, A City, A Home -- Bounds, E. M. -- hdm0397
Heaven Or Hell, Which? -- Cornell, C. E. -- hdm2167
Hell -- Fergerson, Edward A. -- hdm2365
Hell! Where? What? Why? -- Shelhamer, E. E. -- hdm0640
Helps To Holiness -- Brengle, S. L. -- hdm0348
Henry Clay Morrison -- Ridout, G. W. -- hdm0529
Henry Clay Morrison -- Wimberly, Charles Franklin -- hdm2300
Her Christmas Heartache Became A Hallelujah -- Maxey, Duane V. -- hdm3380
Herald Of Holiness -- Feb. 12, 1930 --  Multiple Authors -- hdm2669
Herald Of Holiness -- April 23, 1930 --  Multiple Authors -- hdm2670  
Herald Of Holiness -- Dec. 2, 1931 -- Multiple Authors -- hdm0689
Herald Of Holiness -- Oct. 25, 1933 -- Multiple Authors -- hdm1870
Herald Of Holiness -- May 20, 1964 -- Multiple Authors -- hdm3501
Heresy In The Holiness Pulpits -- Weeks, Sherwood -- hdm2262
Heroes of Temptation -- Nease, Orval J. -- hdm0559
Heterogeneous Writings -- Maxey, Duane V. -- hdm2456
Hezekiah Calvin Wooster -- Maxey, Duane V. -- hdm0474
Hibbards Were Heralds Of Holiness -- Maxey, Duane V. -- hdm2359
Hiding Place For a Spy -- Maxey, Duane V. -- hdm1565
Highlights of My Life And Ministry -- Roberts, T. P. -- hdm0475
Highway Of Holiness Truth -- Maxey, Duane V. -- hdm3669
Hints To Fishermen (The Book) -- Cornell, Clarence Ellsworth -- hdm2422
His Ambassador -- Mooshian, C. Helen -- hdm2345
His Appearing And His Kingdom -- Maxey, Duane V. -- hdm0124
His Guiding Hand -- Ludwig, Minnie E. -- hdm0690
His Spirit In You -- Williams, Merrill S. -- hdm3395
His Will For Us -- Miller, Howard Vassar -- hdm0881
History of Methodist Reform, Vol. I -- Drinkhouse, E. J. -- hdm0428
History of Methodist Reform, Vol. II -- Drinkhouse, E. J. -- hdm0725
History Of The E. Genesee Conference -- Hibbard, F. G. -- hdm2360
History of the Free Methodist Church (Vol. I) -- Hogue, Wilson T. -- hdm1618
History of The M. E. Church, Vol. I -- Stevens, Abel -- hdm0216
History of The M. E. Church, Vol. II -- Stevens, Abel -- hdm0219
History of The M. E. Church, Vol. III -- Stevens, Abel -- hdm0226
History of The M. E. Church, Vol. IV -- Stevens, Abel -- hdm0244
History of The Methodists (1766 To 1809) -- Lee, Jesse -- hdm0118
History of The Old Baltimore Conference -- Armstrong, J. E. -- hdm0805
Holiness And High Country -- Harper, Albert F. -- hdm2347
Holiness And Its Relatives -- Flexon, R. G. -- hdm0576
Holiness And Missions -- Fitkin, Susan N. -- hdm0706
Holiness And The Christian Life -- Reed, L. A. -- hdm0316
Holiness And The Human Element -- Baldwin, H. A. -- hdm0328
Holiness And Power -- Hills, A. M. -- hdm0100
Holiness, As Understood... -- Beet, Joseph Agar -- hdm2268
Holiness Bible Readings -- Danford, S. A. -- hdm2037
Holiness Bible Readings -- Reid, Isaiah -- hdm2363
Holiness, Central Purpose of Redemption -- Corlett, D. Shelby -- hdm0198
Holiness For Every Day -- Williamson, G. B. -- hdm2657
Holiness From The Early Church Fathers -- Galloway, J. B. -- hdm0503
Holiness Illustrations -- Williams, Leewin B. -- hdm0480
Holiness In Action -- Shumake, Chester Eugene -- hdm0972
Holiness In Everyday Life -- Lyons, George L. -- hdm2649
Holiness In Practical Living -- Corlett, Lewis T. -- hdm0080
Holiness In The Book of Hebrews -- Carroll, R. E. -- hdm0682
Holiness In The Prayers Of St. Paul -- McCumber, William E. -- hdm2586
Holiness Miscellany -- Inskip, John S. -- hdm0374
Holiness or Hell -- Godbey, W. B. -- hdm0394
Holiness Teachings -- Roberts, B. T. -- hdm0147
Holiness The Dynamic of Evangelism -- Galloway, George M. -- hdm0790
Holiness The Harmonizing Experience -- Corlett, Lewis T. -- hdm0884
Holiness The Heart of Christian Experience -- Chapman, J. B. -- hdm0064
Holiness, The Pride of God -- Hicks, Lawrence B. -- hdm0883
Holiness Triumphant -- Chapman, J. B. -- hdm0266
Holiness Triumphant -- Knapp, M. W. -- hdm1897
Holiness Typology -- Shepard, William Edward -- hdm2481
Holiness Works, A Bibliography -- Miller, William Charles -- hdm0280
Holy character Versus Handsome Charisma -- Maxey, Duane V. -- hdm3494
Holy Ghost Messages -- Stalker, Charles H. -- hdm0515
Holy God -- Holy People -- McCumber, William E. -- hdm3305
Honey In The Rock -- Robinson, R. A. (Bud) -- hdm0151
Hoods That Will Harm You -- Maxey, Duane V. -- hdm3623
Hoosier Happenings -- Wines, J. M. -- hdm3416
Hopkinsianism, Detected and Refuted -- Bangs, Nathan  -- hdm3686
Hot Potatoes With Jackets On -- Dunkum, W. B. -- hdm0869
How All Christians Should be Like the Devil -- Stafford, Daniel -- hdm1550
How Are You Sitting? -- Maxey, Duane V. -- hdm3611
How God's Righteousness Is Like The Great Mountains -- Maxey, Duane V.-- hdm2020
How John Wesley Spent New Years Day For 50 Years -- G. J. Stevenson -- hdm3323
How Methodism Began -- Daniels, W. H. -- hdm0976
How They Entered Canaan (See Separate Index at the End of the Main File Below)
How They Were Won -- Miller, Basil -- hdm0626
How To Be Healed -- Shelhamer, Julia A. -- hdm0155
How To Keep Sanctified -- Fowler, Charles J. -- hdm1624
How To Keep Sanctified -- McClurkan, James Octavias -- hdm 3354
How To Keep Sweet -- Hames, J. M. -- hdm0239
How To Look Upon The Things Of Others -- Maxey, Duane V.-- hdm2016
How To Melt Icicles In A Church -- Stauffer, Joshua -- hdm0815
How To Pray -- Walker, W. B. -- hdm3428
How To Preach And Teach Holiness -- Vess, Arthur L. -- hdm0634
How To Reach The Masses -- Taylor, James M. -- hdm3443
How To Train and Save Your Children -- Shelhamer, E. E. & Julia A. -- hdm0894
How To Win Our Loved Ones To Christ -- Vess, Arthur L. -- hdm0210
How We Escaped -- Shelhamer, E. E. -- hdm0847
How We Got Our Bible -- Earle, Ralph -- hdm2661
How We Should Give -- Maxey, Duane V. -- hdm3345
Humanity And God -- Chadwick, Samuel -- hdm3300
Humorous And Interesting -- Maxey, Duane V. -- hdm3307

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